The Infrared radiation is emitted by all objects above absolute zero according to the black body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to see one's environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature. therefore, Thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. Thermography is a means of measuring the heat (thermo) coming from anything like human body, Electrical Appliances, Hot objects etc. This Infrared radiation from electrical appliances is used to inspect and best way to detect early electrical failures, because most electrical things tend to get hot before they fail.Thermography can detect early problems in many electrical system such as
- Distribution & Control panels, MCC,
- Switchgear in Industries and substations
- Transformers
- Power transmission lines
- UPS, PLC and and Drives Panels
Advantages of Thermography
- Infrared Thermography helps you to detect problems of hot bus bar, overloaded cables & many undesirable electrical situations.
- It can be used to measure or observe in areas inaccessible or hazardous for other methods
- It is a non-destructive test & contact free method
- An Infrared inspection can immediately detect an overheated wire in the mesh of wires and terminals, which is impossible to see with naked eyes.
- An infrared electrical inspection can minimize injury, liability, damage, catastrophic failures and downtime of the organization
An effective preventative maintenance strategy must include an infrared scan.
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